Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2012.07.08 Soil & Eclipse, The Razor Skyline

2012.07.08 Soil & Eclipse, The Razor Skyline

2012.07.06 Vagabond Opera and Abney Park

2012.07.06 Vagabond Opera & Abney Park

2012.06.27 Half Moon

2012.06.27 Half Moon

2012.06.05 Transit of Venus across the Sun

2012.06.05 Transit of Venus across the Sun

2012-05-20 Solar Eclipse Viewing Party

2012-05-20 Solar Eclipse Viewing Party

2012-01-11 Road Trip from PDX to Coeur d'Alene, ID for Twelfthnight

2012-01-11 Road Trip from PDX to Coeur d'Alene, ID for Twelfthnight

2011-12 Eclipse at Depoe Bay

2011-12 Eclipse at Depoe Bay

2011 Christmas Lights

2011 Christmas Lights

2011-11-19 Whiteout 9 @ Tacoma Dome

2011-11-19 Whiteout 9 @ Tacoma Dome

2011-11-11 Gearheart Ocean State park

2011.11.11 Seaside @ Gearheart Ocean State Park

2011-09-17 Cavity Search


Fire Dancing

2011-07-28 CATSUP + MUSTURD presents: BARBEQUE SAUCE!!!

2011-07-28 CATSUP + MUSTURD presents: BARBEQUE SAUCE!!!

2011-07-29 Fire & Steel @ DMDT

2011.07.29 Fire & Steel @ DMDT

2011.07.25 Too Addicted

2011.07.25 Too Addicted @ Club Motor

2011.01.15 Mayhem @ The Citadel

2011.01.15 Mayhem @ The Citadel

2010.10.30 Freaknight Festival @ WAMU Theatre

2010.10.30 Freaknight Festival @ WAMU Theatre

Infected Mushroom

2010.03.30 The Gentry, Angel Theory & Assemblage 23

2010.03.30 The Gentry, Angel Theory & Assemblage 23 @ The Fez Ballroom

The Gentry

Angel Theory

Assemblage 23

Celestial Photography: Lunar Love

Once one has basked in the glory of mother Luna, you are forever changed.  In my pictures of the Moon I have photos of the full moon as well as some landscape scenes of the moon against a backdrop of nature.

Celestial Photography: Solar Flares

Of the two heavenly bodies I photograph most often, pictures of the Sun comes in second place for me.  These pictures are often a sunrise or a sunset, and sometimes include tricks of the light.

Elements: Water

The fourth installment of my elemental photography is pictures of Water.  According to the most basic mythos of our times ancient or present, water is the source of life.  These pictures might be rivers, lakes, the ocean, or even waterfalls.

Elements: Fire

The tertiary installment of my elemental photography is pictures of Fire.  I enjoy capturing moments- what better what to capture time than by slowing it down to freeze a slice of living fire!  These pictures are predominantly fire dancing or fireworks.

Elements: Air

The second installment of my elemental photography is pictures of Air.  Often the clouds take a certain formation that calls out "photograph me!" which might be paired with a sunrise/sunset, or just a gorgeous day.  These also might be of birds in flight in the air.

Elements: Earth

The first installment of my elemental photography is pictures of Earth.  These might be trees/forests, rock formations, statuary, or anything of the like.